Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Story idea:

Setting in a futuristic world, a judeo-christian like religion of the future, where there are seven gods, or seven aspects of god, each with a priesthood. They are dressed in different colours, I see one in Robes of Maroon, one in a Merchant of Venice like Gaberdine of Turquoise, the rest I cannot see.

Each priesthood is totally separate from the other, but when they preach their words are identical, each priest speaks with a different intonation and the resulting blending of voices is harmonious and dissonant at the same time. The church is like in the interior of a cathedral with wooden pews but instead of one sanctuary, there are seven, the majority of the space is behind the rostrum, and the church looks like a rectangle ending in half a seven pointed star with each priesthood having a speaker in one point. The speakers ascend simultaneously and wordlessly, and with no indication of prior eye contact start speaking at the identical same time, it is unrehearsed and without premeditation, that is the way of _________, when one of the priests speaks out of turn, there is a purging and many must die.

When they speak together it is hollow, loud, reverberating and otherwordly. Society, while not centred around this religion, recognizes it as an integral part, and that it is a social power to be reckoned with, and is meta-political.


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