Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"If we confuse dissent with disloyalty — if we deny the right of the individual to be wrong, unpopular, eccentric or unorthodox — if we deny the essence of racial equality then hundreds of millions in Asia and Africa who are shopping about for a new allegiance will conclude that we are concerned to defend a myth and our present privileged status. Every act that denies or limits the freedom of the individual in this country costs us the . . . confidence of men and women who aspire to that freedom and independence of which we speak and for which our ancestors fought." - Ed Murray

On one side of the table we have the proponents of freedom of speech, of thought, of word, of deed. On the other side we have those who are of the view that man cannot be expected to behave in a socially responsible manner, and thus should operate within certain restrictions, or within the boundaries of societal mores, enacted as law.

Is there a third way out?


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